2-Axis Rotary Tables with torque drive
The series FTW DA with torque drive delivers powerful solutions for many applications. Thanks to high speed, dynamic and control quality, new application possibilities in machine tool building open up. The combination of high rpms and high stiffness allows multi-process machining in one machine. Through the combination of DA modules, tilting rotary tables for almost any individual case can be configured in a customized manner.
- 5 axis machining with highest dynamic in positioning
- Simultaneous 5 axis machining without backlash
- Available as High-Speed-Tables with up to 1.500 rpm
- Highest dynamic and shortest work piece positioning time
- No backlash
- Based on work piece load are 1 or 2 drives in the swivelling axis available
- Customised work piece clamping available on special request
- Internal rotary couplings also for high speed tables
Two Axis Rotary Table SDA 400 with 2 torque drives in the swivelling axis / 1 torque drive in the turning axis
Technical Data:
SDA 400
nominal speed
60 - 80 U/min
nominal speed
100 U/min
nominal turning moment
(1 side driven)
1.030 Nm
nominal turning moment
416 Nm
nominal turning moment
(2 sides driven)
1.980 Nm
peak moment
(1 side driven)
1.840 Nm
peak moment
760 Nm
peak moment
(2 sides driven)
3.200 Nm
max. tangential moment
(2 sides clamped)
3.200 Nm
max. max. tangential moment |
1.800 Nm
max. load |
300 - 400 kg
SDA 630
nominal speed
35 U/min
nominal speed
80 U/min
nominal turning moment (1 side driven)
5.000 Nm
nominal turning moment |
1.700 Nm
peak moment
8.200 Nm
peak moment
1.970 Nm
max.. tangential moment |
14.000 Nm
max. tangential moment |
8.000 Nm
max. load |
1.000 kg
SDA 800
nominal speed
30 U/min
nominal speed
80 U/min
nominal turning moment (2 sides driven)
5.000 Nm
nominal turning moment
2.300 Nm
tangential moment
14.000 Nm
tangential moment
8.000 Nm
peak moment
8.200 Nm
peak moment
3.200 Nm
max. load |
1.400 kg